Friday, February 15, 2013

PAALM Society Registration & Fliegen '13

Dear Aero Alumni of Park,

It gives me immense pleasure in announcing that PAALM (Park Aero ALuMni) is going in the Indian Government records by registering as a society. Yay!!!

The PAALM Executive Committee wholeheartedly invites you to participate and witness the PAALM Society Inauguration and Registration event as part of the Fliegen '13 National Level Technical Symposium on 1st and 2nd March 2013.

Also Fliegen '13 is especially brought to you by Our Own Aero Alumni. So expect loads of knowledge transfer and fun & frolic. Our Alumni will be participants, judges and even the Chief Guest!.

Don't miss it. "The More, The Merrier", so come with the Three Musketeers spirit "All for one, one for all".

PAALM Society Registration
Day: 1st March 2013
Venue: Rajiv Gandhi Auditorium, PCET, Coimbatore.

Fliegen '13
Day: 1st and 2nd March 2013
Venue: Rajiv Gandhi Auditorium, PCET, Coimbatore.

I request you to take a minute and kindly register your presence using the form below.

For more details visit... [Yes, we already have a website. Thanks to our Alma Mater.]

Thank You.

Alex Nazarene .E [for PAALM Executive Committee]

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