MOM of review meeting on 20-01-2007:
(A) Members Attended:
A.Senthilkumar (2001)
Premkumar.P.S (2002)
G.Senthilkumar (2003)
(B) Points discussed:
Regarding groups creation for PAALM
Regarding modifications requires on blogspot of PAALM
Regarding webpage creation for PAALM
Regarding PAALM member's election process for every year
Regarding "LOGO" & "BANNER" selection for PAALM
Regarding outing(it's like picnic)for our PAALM family
Regarding communicating all these activities to our college ASAP
Regarding allotting responsibility to the members on various PAALM activities (with backup person)
These are the just bulletins of the review for your quick reference. I will get back to you soon in detail.
If you have your own valuable suggestions on the above please leave the same in the comments.
Waiting for your valuable reply,
Premkumar.P.S (2002)
Posted with regards by...
(Text edited for the blog post - from original email)
Note: Please add your comments below for the development of the Alumni and this blog. Thank You.
People should read this.