Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PAALM Newsletter First Issue

Dear Alumni and Students of Park College,

Happy Independence Day!

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Alex Nazarene .E (for PAALM Newsletter Team)

Wind Turbine Flow Control Using Fluidic Oscillators

by Fayaz Rasheed (2005 - 2009 batch)

This document contains excerpts from “Flow Separation Control on Wind Turbine Blades Using an Array of Fluidic Oscillators,” MPhil Thesis, The University of Manchester, 2012

Scope: The article offers insights into the importance of flow control technology and the associated research involved. Students currently enrolled in engineering programmes can obtain ideas for future projects, engineers in industry can implement this technology for their product and research.

The world today is dependent highly dependent on non-renewable energy resources to meet the everyday needs. The ever growing fuel prices and the depleting resources have put strain on the dependence of the non-renewable resources. In addition to the depletion, these sources of energy cause pollution and damage the environment. 

The future holds for renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar, tidal energy etc. Wind energy is becoming a popular form of usable energy source and uses efficient wind turbines to draw energy. It is predicted that 80% of U.K’s energy will be drawn from wins by 2050 and during the same period countries such as Denmark will be fully dependent on wind energy and totally independent of non- renewable form of energy. It is also predicted that during the same period UK will be able to export energy using these renewable resources.

Increase in the efficiency of wind turbines is critical for the efficient use of wind energy. Researchers around the globe have been studying different methods of increasing efficiency of existing wind turbines including the design and development of wind turbines blades which would increase the overall efficiency of the wind turbines. One of the methods popularly used in wind turbines is the use development of blade for increasing the overall efficiency of the aerofoil.

Separation of flow over the wind turbine blades can cause loss of lift and hence low efficiency. The efficiency of wind turbines can also be increased using flow control technologies. Flow control works in such a way that the separation of flow is delayed, hence increasing the lift and hence the efficiency of the aerofoil.

Figure 1: Separation of Flow from the surface [1]

The achievement of the control of separation by manipulation of the flow field is done with the help of flow control devices. These flow control devices assist in bringing changes in the flow field, which help in the bringing about effective flow control.  The flow control methods can be classified into active and passive flow control methods. Active flow control methods employ the use of moving devices such as fluids or plasma to achieve flow separation control.  Passive flow control devices, on the other hand, has non-moving parts such as turbulators or LEX (Leading Edge eXtension) in order to control flow separation.

Figure 2: Flow control Technologies [2]

Active flow control technologies involve the addition of energy to the flow field. This addition of energy can take the form of addition of steady or unsteady energy inputs without considering the state of the flow field. This type of active flow control is known as predetermined method. The use of piezoelectric actuators, plasma actuators, jet vectoring, post-stall lift enhancement and form drag reduction using oscillatory blowing come under this category.

On the other hand, the use of an input system such as sensor to sense the flow field and provide input to the actuator continuously would be an effective method.  This type of flow separation control method is termed as interactive methods of flow separation control.  The flow in this case can be effectively controlled based on the input from the sensors.  The interactive control can be made possible by a feedback or a feed-forward loop.  Feedback (closed) loop involves sensing the actuated flow behind the actuator and the feed-forward (open) involves sensing the flow ahead of the actuator.  The feedback system can enable the control of energy introduced into the flow.  Flow field variations downstream and upstream can be induced as a result of flow interaction with the sensors and actuators.

The active flow control technologies posses a few advantages as compared to the passive flow control technologies.  The addition of small and localised energy input enables better flow control, which controls the natural stability of the flow. Effective control is made when the control is introduced at a high receptivity region. These high receptive points are the regions where boundary layer transition or flow separation occurs. Another advantage of the control is the ability to control complex and dynamical processes like turbulence production in turbulent boundary layers.  This enables the reduction in skin friction drag and hence the viscous drag where the reduction is proportional to the area covered by the drag.

Fluidic oscillator is a device that can be used as active flow control devices for flow control.  Fluidic oscillator works with the help of coanda effect (the sticking to the wall phenomenon) and produced pulsated flow which turbulises the boundary layer and in turn increases efficiency. The increase Since the fluidic oscillators have no moving parts they can be used for the long term operation. 

Figure 3: A Fluidic Oscillator prototype designed by F. Rasheed at the University of Manchester [2]

A typical fluidic oscillator comprise of an input port, two control ports and two exit ports. A feedback loop is connected to the control ports in order to control the frequency of the exit fluid flow.

The testing of these systems involves experimental tests and to a lesser extent computational tests. The experimental test involves two parts:
1) Characteristic analysis of output flow from the fluidic oscillator using Hotwire anemometry. Here, the exit flow is measured to determine the flow velocity and frequency using a hotwire probe connected to a data acquisition system.
2) The second part involves the wind tunnel tests and the flow is studied with the help of Tuft flow visualisation and Oil flow visualisation.

The development of an array of fluidic oscillators place beneath the wind turbine blades will ensure proper control of flow ensuring high efficiency wind turbines with low maintenance. This technology hence has a promising future.

Figure 4:  Initial wind tunnel test model [3]

A cool simulation of the work involved can be found in the link (or QR code) given below. 

[1] F. Rasheed, “Flow Separation Control on Wind Turbine Blades Using an Array of Fluidic Oscillators,” 2012, MPhil Thesis, The University of Manchester
[2]  Kral  L.D.,  1998,  “Active  Flow  Control  Technology,”  Washington  University, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Technical Brief